Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Reveals Upcoming Book For "Killing" Series

Bill O'Reilly is having a good week now that his latest book Killing Jesus is out on bookshelves everywhere. Known for writing about famous dead people, the O'Reilly Factor host says that is inspiration for writing comes from hearing God's voice. However, he also suggests that God told him to write about something the American people can relate more to.

On Friday September 27, O'Reilly announced that he will be writing a future book called Killing The American Dream. The book will discuss everything that is wrong with America in today's times, ranging in topics from Obamacare to reality TV programing.

Unlike the previous books in the "Killing" series, Killing The American Dream will target society, mainly in a political manner. The context of the future book will target at liberals, portraying them as the source of the problem.

Furthermore, the upcoming book will also be co-written by Donald Trump instead of O'Reilly's usual writing partner Martin Dugard. The two writers will plan to write about their successes in life, their views on American patriotism, and their common love for Baseball.

O'Reilly told variety news sources that writings for Killing The American Dream will begin during the summer of 2014 after his other upcoming book Jesus' Last Days: From The Last Supper To The Shocking Crucifixion is published. Meanwhile, O'Reilly expects to publish Killing The American Dream in late 2015 in order to attract potential conservative voters to vote Republican in the 2016 election, even though O'Reilly states that's not the main purpose of his book.

Overall, O'Reilly states that he hopes once Killing The American Dream is released, it will inspire Americans to take more action towards making a better America, or at least, an America O'Reilly fantasizes about. O'Reilly also encourages fans to write to his email address - - if they have any questions and/or suggestions regarding Killing The American Dream
Disclaimer: the following blog post is satire. I do not hold any credibility to this fake story.

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