Monday, November 11, 2013

Chris Christie For Democrat Nomination in 2016 Presidential Campaign

TRENTON - After last Tuesday's elections in individual states, the GOP struggles with their reputation of anti-progress. Unfortunately for the party, New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie acts the exact opposite from the political party's desires.

Governor Christie is considered for a nomination as a Democrat candidate in the upcoming 2016 presidential election, simply because the GOP wants nothing to do with him.

Since Hurricane Sandy, both the Democrats and Republicans have questioned his true interest and intentions for American society. But Republicans worry about it more as Christie does not appear to be as self-centered as other notable members. 

It's not that most of the politicians in the GOP hate him personally; however, many do not want him ruining their chances of getting nominated. Take Kentucky's junior Senator Rand Paul for example; he seems the most concerned of such action to ever happen, even believing he is more "moderate" than "conservative", except... he really doesn't like Christie personally.

"I don't take the 'King of Bacon' seriously," explained Senator Paul, "because he doesn't represent the GOP's main ideals. He believes his views are the only correct views, and that's all. Besides, I can't really see him getting himself around the issues."

Other GOP public figures spoke on Christie. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spoke her views on NBC's TODAY, congratulating the Governor on his re-election, but saying she wouldn't put her faith on him. When asked why, she replied, "Are you kidding? It's because I'm selfish and I want to run for president! You have no idea how badly I want to be at the White House! If anybody deserves it, it's me, not Christie!" Rick Perry also expressed his views, asking if he was really a conservative just because he is in New Jersey. "I don't know if he really a conservative or not," stated Perry, "I mean, maybe he should be a Democrat candidate. But if he agrees with Wendy Davis, then I'll know."

Although Democrats aren't sure what to think of Christie, they are willing to accept him based on the progress he's made from legalizing gay marriage to supporting the Black and Hispanic communities.

Some even worry about the Governor's weight if he became president in the future. "Well, you know, if he does become president and gets any bigger, many will worry whether or not he can fit into William Taft's bathtub," sneered Paul.

Nevertheless, Christie doesn't seem worried. And even though the GOP doesn't want to see Governor Christie represent them in 2016, many have admitted that he is better to run against than Hillary Clinton.

"It's better to run against a fat bully than a female bully," said Paul.

"I rather run against Christie than [Hillary Clinton]," stated Palin, "I don't like that bitch."

Disclaimer: the following blog post is satire. I do not hold any credibility to this fake story.

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